An Unrivaled Guide on How to Delete Drafts on Tiktok

How to delete drafts on tiktok? A difficult question for those who do not have deep understanding about Tik Tok. Don't worry! We are here to guide you with the simplest process!


TikTok is a fun app to explore. Still, its features might sometimes confuse novices. Drafts are an example. Many people do not know how to delete drafts on TikTok!

Thus, our team has come to your rescue with this guide. We will show you how to adjust, post, or delete your drafts. Keep reading for more instructions!

In general, there are three simple steps:

  • Step 1. Go To The TikTok Drafts

  • Step 2. Press "Select"

  • Step 3. Choose The Drafts and Hit "Delete". 

How to Delete Drafts on Tiktok

Deleting a draft - Source: Pixabay

Deleting TikTok drafts within seconds is possible. Our guidelines will show you how to delete a draft on Tiktok in simple instructions. Check them out!

Step 1. Go To The TikTok Drafts

First, open TikTok on the device. Once done, tap on "Me" from the navigation bar's bottom. This "me" icon signifies your TikTok profile.

After tapping this "Me" icon, your TikTok profiles and posts will appear. Your drafts will stay here if you have saved them before. Now on the profile, tap "Drafts". Congratulations! You have found all your TikTok drafts!

But what if there is no "Drafts" option in the app? Then chances are you have never saved any draft here.

The next step will tell you how to choose the drafts you wish to delete from the profile.

Step 2. Press "Select"

After tapping "Drafts", you can see all your saved Drafts on TikTok. The Drafts page will let you edit or delete those drafts. If you want an edition, tap on the draft.

But most of you are here to know how to delete the drafts. Then select at least one draft for selection. Because you want to delete them, there is no need for editing. Deleting a draft on editing pages is impossible, so do not tap those drafts!

And how can you make the "Delete" button appear? Again, we stress that you select at least one draft for deletion. Otherwise, the "Delete" button will never appear. Press the "Select" button from the screen's right corner!

Step 3. Choose The Drafts and Hit "Delete". 

After tapping "Select", choosing your to-be-deleted drafts is possible now. Tap on each draft to send them into to-be-deleted folders. As we say, you don't need to choose only one draft for each deletion. Picking multiple ones will be faster. 

After each selection, a white tick icon (with red backgrounds) will pop on the left. That means you have successfully selected them for deletion.

And once you complete, the "Delete" button will be at the screen's bottom. The number beside that indicates the number of drafts you selected. 

Suppose you select one; the text will be "Delete (1)". And when you choose three, it will be "Delete (3)". Before deleting, make sure you check that number. It will help confirm that you do not choose any draft by accident.

Now, it's time for deletion! Tap "Delete" to get rid of these drafts forever.

Again, never forget that this move is irreversible. If you delete something by accident, recovering it is impossible.


1. Can My Friends See My TikTok Drafts? 

Your friends cannot see your draft - Source: Pixabay. 

No, they cannot see your TikTok drafts. A message on your editing page will say. "Only you could see your draft." To access this page, navigate to "Me" and go to the drafts. The message will confirm again that no one can see your draft. 

All your saved drafts are visible to you only. If someone visits you and your profiles, the app will hide those Drafts from him. Thus, there is no need to worry about leaked TikTok drafts. 

2. Will My TikTok Draft Stay Forever?

Drafts will stay forever on your account. But once you publish them, they will no longer be drafts. 

Otherwise, if you do not publish them, they will be there. (until you decide to delete these drafts by hand). 

3. I Want to Recover My Lost TikTok Draft. Is That Possible?

Sadly, drafts that do not stay in your folder (or any device) are unretrievable. Why? Because TikTok saves your drafts in its local storage. (instead of cloud storage formats). That is sad news, especially since we have been so familiar with the cloud.

4. Is It Possible to Edit My TikTok Draft?

You may edit your draft - Source: Pixahive

Again, we want to say that it is possible! First, open your TikTok. Tap the profile icon ("Me") from the right corner. All drafts will appear.

Next, tap "Drafts" and select anything you like to post, edit, or delete.


Our article has discussed how to delete drafts on TikTok in detailed guidelines. We hope that we have helped you in navigating around your drafts! Other than deletion, you can also edit or publish those drafts. All is up to your decision!

Feel free to contact our support team if some points are not clear. We will give you more tips and clarifications. 

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Jamin Orrall
Jamin Orrall
Jamin Orrall co-founder